Classmate Messages

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03/13/18 06:47 PM #1    


Jane Reges (Casey)

Hi Undine, Jane Reges Long Casey here. I do remember you...hopefully you will remember me. I'm not sure what classes or homerooms we were in together, but I definitely remember you. You may remember my sister, Margie, and I were in the same grade from first grade all the way through high school. Glad to hear you are doing well. I live in northern New Castle, PA. Take care.  Jane

05/03/18 05:21 PM #2    

John Gibson

We are now meeting at Rachel’s. 12:30 Monday May 7th

07/01/21 01:19 PM #3    

Mark Wingerd

Hi there,

Note: I was just on the website checking details on our class reunion.

While I was there, I was looking at our classmates who have passed on.

I wanted to let you know of one person who was who is among the people who have passed on.

  • Douglass Johnston, Class of 1971,
    - died Dec 4, 2015
    Doug apparently died of cancer,




07/01/21 04:49 PM #4    


Debra Silvis (Illo)

Doug Johnston and I were neighbors on N Chestnut St when we were "wee". He, his brother Dirk were about 3 when I moved there from Mercer St, where I was born. Doug & I were in the same class through 4th grade. I learned to ride a 2 wheeler on their little green 13-inch bike. We played hide & seek and made clover blossom necklaces. We also dug holes til they filled with water. Don't know why. Then the end to that came when we put a little rug over the "well" we dug. Dirk, who had just had a bath (Doug was next) came out and started running around the yard and fell right into the hole. Man, we got in SO much trouble. I got sent home (next door, except for Mrs. Bowers' raspberry patch between our houses). What a mess. RIP Doug. As you can see, I never forgot. <3

10/02/21 09:51 AM #5    


Joyce Kulick (Montag)

Dear Friends,
We want to thank you for the lovely card and warm thoughts for us as Paul continues his journey through chemo. It was so uplifting to receive the card and we missed being able to visit during the reunion. We were there in spirit and can feel your thoughts with us.
Stay well!
Joyce and Paul Montag

10/26/21 07:50 AM #6    


Steve Paffrath

Thanks for the great work on the reunion photos ken.  

06/03/23 09:07 PM #7    

James Zambroski

Plane reservations secured; hotel booked (Marriott in Slippery Rock fer gawd's sake); car rented and picnic ticket bought. Looking forward to seeing as many as I can during a brief weekend in Butler come August. Armco Park is a memory from early, early childhood and of course, my first false start in getting a college degree started at Slippery Rock. Looking forward to it, Golden Tornadoes.

07/19/23 04:32 PM #8    


Debra Silvis (Illo)

Hi everyone! We'll be at the 70th birthday shenanigans Aug 12th. We always stay at the Hampton Inn in Butler (with our Mini Schnauzer and our Diluted Calico cat.) It's our Butler "home away from home." We live in Lancaster, PA and get home once or twice/year. Bob conducts his architectural practice from home and refuses to retire. My man loves his work! I was in newspapers and PR for years, both at The Eagle and the Lancaster paper. After my 2nd set of 2 kids, I raised them to school age then spent 14 years in real estate until I had to retire on disability in 2012. I'm still disabled but still kicking and can't wait to see you all. Sending my love. Thank you all for accepting my Bobby as one of our own. He is shy by nature and loves to see everyone. See you soon!

07/20/23 11:05 AM #9    


Gwendolyn Martin (Beatty)

Hi everyone,

I have not been on this site for a very long time. I appreciate those that Keep it up and running. I would love to reach out to some of my classmates. I was going to try to attend the 70th birthday get together but I'm not able to do so. I left Butler in 2001 and moved to Colorado Springs. I lived in Colorado for 18 years retired in August 2018 and my husband and I traveled at 80,000 miles in a 22 foot camper on our a dream vacation across United States. I am sad to say he passed away January 2021. I have been in Mesa Arizona since . If anyone remembers me, and would like to reach out, you can reach me at my email address:

I would love to hear from you. 
Gwen (Martin) Beatty



07/20/23 06:15 PM #10    

Gloria Kulin (Sabatelli)

Hi, Gwen

I remember you. Sorry to hear about your husband but what a nice dream vacation you had together. It must have been an adventure. Glad you enjoy the site.

Gloria Kulin Sabatelli 

07/21/23 10:52 AM #11    


Mark Duncil

Hi Gwen

So great to hear of the wonderful life you have had So sorry to hear of your loss. Having lost my wife after 36 years I can relate in some ways. Wish you all the best!

07/21/23 08:39 PM #12    


Barbara Green (Frederick)


Hi Gwen! So sorry for your loss. It isn't easy bring in that situation and you find out how strong you really are after an unexpected loss.  As I've learned in the last six years one day one step at a time and if I need to ask for help, which isn't an easy thing to do, you learn to ask.  Take care of yourself and may the memories of all the good times stay with you  Barb Green Frederick 





07/22/23 01:16 PM #13    

Bonnie Van Gorder (Parks)

Hi Gwen....

Great hearing from you. I've lived in Texas for over 45 years. Sorry to hear about your loss! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip.

Bonnie VanGorder Parks

08/12/23 08:33 PM #14    


Joyce Kulick (Montag)

Thank you to all the members of the 70th Birthday Celebration committee for their hard work making this such a memorable event. 

08/17/23 01:33 PM #15    


Larry Cumberland

I received your beautiful card with even greater words. God is so good.  I think sometimes He does little things to remind me that He is not only in control, but watches the personal details of my mental, physical, and spiritual health.  I wrote a chapter in my book titled "God's Work or Lucky Circumstances".  I have always been amazed when the Holy Spirit does an obvious work in a believer's life and the response is "I was lucky".  


I say that to say this.  No way something like this would occur without God’s intervention. I was not a big deal in high school.  Karon was, I dated up.  Not smart, not a good athlete, not popular…. Just a good drummer in the school which doesn't buy you much near Pittsburgh.


Last night, my high school class held a “70th Birthday Party”.  Prior to becoming ill, I was looking forward to going.  Remember our class was about 1,000 kids. I haven’t seen most of them since high school, 52 years ago. My sister-in-law, Cheryl attended.


 Extraordinarily  unbelievable.  Cheryl called last night to say that an announcement was made to describe my condition and that I had sent an update showing a spirit of faith in God for healing.  She asked everyone to pray for me if not already praying and that they had a card to sign which would be sent to me.  Cheryl said people walked up to her all night to tell her they were praying.  


Why would a group of 100 people from a high school class from 52 years ago, having a party in Butler, PA, and decide to lift up prayers for me. 52 years ago, 7 hour drive, 390 miles.  I haven’t seen them for  over 50 years. One classmate, who Karon and I shared Bible teaching with on the phone, posted a prayer request several months ago and they are still praying.


God is good all the time.  He constantly sends messages like this just for my encouragement.   

08/17/23 06:53 PM #16    

John Gibson

As we grow older we find that we are all the same. No better or worse than the person next to us. At 17 and 18 we had too much time ahead of us to think about who we would become, who that person next to us was. Time has changed many of us in so many ways. We all look at those long ago days differently. To be able to go back and see through those young eyes all those young faces alive with so much hope and dreams of a long life. To see that we were all the same back then . I have found through serving on our reunion committee with classmates that I had no contact with when we were in school just how much we all have in common. We all are connected to each other through each other. We have a special bond our class. We care about each other. We have found that we need to stay connected. I pray that our GOD finds a way to heal all of our classmates that are going through a crisis in their life. Take a moment to reach out to someone that we went to school with just to let them know you are there. Take care my friends.

08/17/23 11:04 PM #17    

Karol Klotz (Reich)

Extremely well said John Gibson. Thank you!

08/18/23 07:17 AM #18    


Joyce Kulick (Montag)

Beautifully said John!

08/18/23 11:02 AM #19    


Mark Duncil

The words you have written John are wonderful. The spirit that the folks from our class continue to show in these years is growing all the time. Time spent with them or hearing from them has enriched my life and I'm sure that of many others.

08/18/23 12:58 PM #20    


Kathy Brandon (Rogerson)

As John has said, we learned at a young age to be a tight knit group of caring people. We are truly grateful that this wonderful trait continues in each one of us! Now that our lives have begun to slow down, we tend to reflect more on all of the blessings our dear Lord and Savior has bestowed upon us. 


Larry has shared his health issues with me along with his consent for it to be shared with his classmates. Here is his update:

August 8, 2023

So, time for an update.
    •     First, I’m still walking around, so I would so sincerely ask for you to keep praying. I promise to tell you when I stop walking.
    •    I know it is difficult to pray for such a long time. Let me remind you that doctors, outside of the Great Physician, only gave me 3-6 months to live a month ago. So, on the upside, you just gotta pray another 5 months max if they are right
    •    My prayer request has always been to miraculously heal me (WIN), but may your will be done.  If God were to choose the “may your will be done” option, I view that as a WIN as well. That means I got picked to receive the personal invitation to His Throne Room.
    •    Revelation 21:4 kind of takes on a new meaning in my situation. It says “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” I like the no tears, no pain part!
    •    My book I am writing, “God’s Hard Knock Lessons” - first draft done, working my initial review/edit cycle prior to going to professional editor
    •    I know… kind of a different kind of update. Bear with me.  I will try to do better next time.
    •    Finally, please listen to a new song sent my way by the Holy Spirit… you may know the Holy Spirit as the Comforter per John 14:26
    •    The new song is “Running Home” by Cochren & Co.  I promise you will be blessed just by listening,  If it were not for my beautiful wife, my dear children, and my loving grandchildren, the song might reverse the two elements of my prayer request.  
    •    The song says “Gonna be no tears, gonna be no pain. And when I see that smile on my Savior's face I won’t be walking, I’ll  be running home”.  Can you imagine? So exciting!

Your brother in Christ….. Larry


I am pleased to announce that Larry has a book publishing contract for his book, "God's Hard Knock Lessons." God is certainly good! Please feel free to message Larry a "Big Congratulations" on his success. Also, any congratulations or words of encouragement can be sent to:

Larry Cumberland

1500 Matthew Talbott Road

Forest, VA  24551


Let us all continue to pray for Larry and Karon. ❤️🙏🏻❤️


09/30/23 09:36 PM #21    


Charles McMichael

Since I'm in a show, I may as well let friends know about it. After a seven-year gap, I'm performing in the Butler Musical Theatre Guild's production of 9 to 5. The show igoes on at BC3's Succop Theater October 13-15, 2023. If you're interested in details, check out

10/01/23 12:35 PM #22    


Jane Reges (Casey)

Charles McMichael, Congratulations on your Butler Theater role. Sounds like fun. Enjoy, 

Jane (Reges) Casey

10/30/23 02:02 PM #23    

Gloria Kulin (Sabatelli)

Begin a journey of faith, restoration, and revelation, as you watch this heartfelt testimony of God's remarkable plan for one soul. May this testimony inspire you, uplift you, and leave you forever changed. This video, "Cumberland Testimony on Trials," is from Larry Cumberland with Karon, his wife.


10/31/23 02:45 PM #24    

Mary Johns (McFarland)

Dear Larry,

I am so glad to hear you became a man of faith.  It's the most wonderful journey.  God has blessed you in many ways, and your ability to recognize his plan for you.   Stay strong, God is not done with you yet.  Keep your head high and keep will see God someday.  I am blessed to know you.  God loves you and will take your right hand and lead you to him.  Remember the power of prayer.  He will never let you down. He will make it better than you can ever imagine.heart Love you. Mary


11/01/23 08:04 AM #25    


Brenda Leitem (Neigh)

I watched your video and I am very happy to see your faith . Psalm 107:2 let the redeemed say so.  I'll be seeing you in heaven! 😁  Brenda Leitem Neigh

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