In Memory

Patricia Klugh (Cunningham)

Patricia Klugh (Cunningham)

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05/20/11 08:11 AM #1    

Leah Hammond (Dusheck)

Patty wrote wonderful,  poetry and belong to the Butler Poetry Group. Her sense of humor was surprising.

12/31/15 05:41 PM #2    

Karol Klotz (Reich)

I remember Patricia from the 6th grade. We were in home room together in high school. She was very quiet but nice. I wish I could have known her better. Rest in peace Patricia

01/04/16 03:41 PM #3    

Bonnie (Bonita) Bacher (Martin)

Patty was rather shy but once you became friends with her she was surprisingly entertaining and funny.  I knew her only from a couple classes we shared but I wished I had known her better.  I wish I could read her poetry. 

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