In Memory

Denis Bohan

Denis M. Bohan, 54, of Cranberry Township died Thursday at the Good Samaritan Hospice in Wexford after a six-year battle with cancer.
Born March 14, 1953, on a U.S. military base in Germany, he was the son of the late John and Mary Bohan of Butler.
Mr. Bohan served the community as a police officer in Cranberry Township for 26 years and was a trustee for the Fraternal Order of Police.
Surviving are his wife, Joy Bohan (van Noppen) of Cranberry Township; his children, Alexis Bohan of New York City and Scottie Bohan of Bloomington, Ind.; his sister, Karen Esper of Butler; two brothers, Frank Bohan of Butler and John T. Bohan of Washington, D.C.; and several nieces and nephews.

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07/20/11 12:11 PM #1    

James Zambroski

All the way back to the 5th grade at St. Paul's School. A good,quiet kid, was kinda surprised that he wound up a police officer; I'm sure he was by the book without being a jerk, without being brutal. Anyone who died at his age died too young.

12/16/13 04:23 PM #2    

William Conner

I sat in the same row, a couple of seats behind Denny in somebody's (maybe Mr. Savage) 7th grade class. As I recall, Denny sat in the front seat of that row.

Everyone I knew referred to Denny as "Brows", because of his dark, bushy eyebrows that appeared to almost grow together.

Well, Denny had a habit of turning around, making a stupid face and rapidly "twitching" those eyebrows anytime something struck him as remotely funny. A number of us would crack-up and of course Denny would remain stone-faced and turn around before the teacher saw him.

I can still see him shaking his head in feigned disbelief, as those of us who laughed caught Hell from the teacher.

I would think Denny is still cracking jokes somewhere.


Bill Conner

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