In Memory

Michael Loren

Michael Loren

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07/25/11 04:34 PM #1    

James Zambroski

Mike Loren was an artist, a painter and like many artists, me included, he was possessed of demons that at times posed as his Muse. He was part of that Federal Street group; part of a musician's crowd and that record store, Exile. I remember when he passed, the obit said he was working as a photographer for a TV station somewhere, which is ironic, since I dabbled in the TV news business a good while myself. Peace, finally, I hope, dear friend. And don't be pissed that I made note here.

10/06/13 12:49 PM #2    

Ira Keener

Mike was a long long time friend and I regret that we lost contact over the years. We played in bands together for a couple years and hung out for many more. As James so aptly conveyed, Mike did have his share of demons to deal with. He was absolutely crazy but ya loved him for it. 

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